ACCA P3考試題型情況 : Section A: 1 compulsory case study 50 Marks;
Section B: Choice of 2 from 3 questions (25 marks each)
Section A will be a compulsory case study question with several requirements relating to the same scenario information. The question will usually assess and link several subject areas from across the syllabus, and will require you to demonstrate high-level capabilities to *uate, relate and apply the information in the scenario to the question requirements. There will always be some financial or numerical data in the scenario and marks will be available for numerical analysis which supports your written argument.
The compulsory Section A question can draw on ALL areas of the syllabus, making it imperative that you cover all areas of the syllabus in your studies.
Section B questions are more likely to examine discrete subject areas. They will be based on short scenarios, and you will be expected to apply information from the scenarios to the question requirements.
Again the questions can be drawn from all area of the syllabus, and the limited extent of the choice (two from three) reinforces the importance of covering all areas of the syllabus.