        Influences on ethics:
  ethical decision making is influenced by individual and situational factors.
  Individual factors include age and gender, beliefs, education and employment, how much control individuals believe they have over their own situation and their personal integrity.
  Kohlberg’s framework relates to individuals’ degree of ethical maturity, the extent to which they can take their own ethical decisions.
  Situational factors include the systems of reward, authority and bureaucracy, work roles, organizational factors, and the national and cultural contexts.
  Kohlberg’s cognitive moral development:
  LevelⅠ pre-conventional (rewards/punishment/self-interest)
  LevelⅡ conventional
  LevelⅢ post-conventional
  Bureaucracy: is a system characterized by detailed rules and procedures, impersonal hierarchical relations and a fixed division of tasks.
  3.The social and ethical environment
  Firms have to ensure they obey the law: but they also face ethical
  concerns, because their reputations depend on a good image.
  Ethics: a set of moral principles to guide *
  Ethical problems facing managers
  Social responsibility and businesses
  4.Ethics in organizations
  Leadership practices and ethics
  Two approaches to managing ethics:
  A compliance-based approach is primarily designed to ensure that the company acts within the letter of the law, and that violations are prevented, detected and punished.
  An integrity-based approach combines a concern for the law with an emphasis on managerial responsibility for ethical