Script in Progress
  abrogate(v)cancel or abolish sth
  accord(n)a settlement or a comprimise of conflicting opinions
  affidavit(n)a written statement, made by sb who swears that it is true, that can be used as evidence in court
  assent(n)agreement or approval
  confer(v)give a degree, title, privilege , etc to sb
  coroner(n)an official who investigates any violent or suspicious death
  delve(v)try very hard to find information about sth
  deprave(v)make sb morally bad
  ejusdem generis-of the same kind
  enactment(n)a law
  entrench(v)establish sth/sb very firmly with the result that change is very difficult or unlikely
  equity(n)the application of the principles of natural justice in particular circumstances where the existing laws would not allow a fair or reasonable result expressio unius est exclusio alterius-the express mention of one thing is the exclusion of the another forbearance(n)patience, restraint, tolerance
  fraught(adj)filled with something