Section A,50分必答題,其中35分考合并報表,10分考一個具體準則小問,5分道德題。
Section B,三道25分的選做題,三選二,其中一道為小準則應(yīng)用題,一道大準則應(yīng)用題,一道current issue。建議大家選做其中小準則應(yīng)用題和current issue。
2.Complex group復(fù)雜集團
3.The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates外幣報表折算
4.Statement of Cash Flows合并的現(xiàn)金流量表
1. Piece-meal總共有8種可能
• Piece-meal Acquisition
 Shareholding %Note
1.110 Investment40 AssociateNo consolidation
1.210 Investment60 SubsidiaryNo consolidation
1.340 Associate60 SubsidiaryConsolidation
1.4 ***60 Subsidiary70 SubsidiaryControl to control
 Shareholding %Note
1.540 Associate10 InvestmentNo consolidation
1.6***70 Subsidiary60 SubsidiaryControl to control
1.760 Subsidiary10 InvestmentLoss control
1.860 Subsidiary40 AssociateLoss control
其中重點為1.4 control to control中算OCE(positive/negative movement in equity)的變動,給大家提供公式計算,不用動腦子,上了考場直接套公式也能拿分。
• Positive/negative movement in equity
=Fair value of purchase consideration(10%fair value)-Fair value of NCI at disposal(reporting)date*Disposal%
Notes 1:
If the NCI is 40%and NCI sold 10%to parent,Disposal%=1/4
Notes 2:
Fair value of NCI at disposal(reporting)date
=Fair value of NCI at acquisition date+(Fair value of net assets at disposal(reporting)date-Fair value of net assets at acquisition date)*NCI%
Notes 3:
Fair value of net asset at disposal(reporting)date
=Net assets at disposal(reporting)date+Fair value adjustment+Additional depreciation/Reversal
如果Positive/negative movement in equity算出來是正數(shù),說明你用10元買了價值8元的NCI,是negative movement in equity,分錄為
Dr NCI(Fair value of non-controlling interest at disposal(reporting)date*Disposal%)
Cr Investment in subsidiary(Fair value of purchase consideration)
Dr OCE(Movement in equity)
如果Positive/negative movement in equity算出來是負數(shù),說明你用7元買了價值8元的NCI,是positive movement in equity,分錄為
Dr NCI(Fair value of non-controlling interest at disposal(reporting)date*Disposal%)
Cr Investment in subsidiary(Fair value of purchase consideration)
Cr OCE(Movement in equity)
1.6雖然是減持,依然是control to control也是這次大概率考題,同樣公式如下
• Positive/negative movement in equity
=Fair value of sales consideration(10%fair value)-(Fair value of net assets at disposal(reporting)date+Goodwill at disposal(reporting)date)*Disposal%
Notes 1:
If the Disposal is 10%,Disposal%=10%
Notes 2:
Fair value of net assets at disposal(reporting)date
=Net assets at disposal(reporting)date+Fair value adjustment+Additional depreciation/Reversal
Dr Investment in subsidiary(Fair value of sales consideration)
Cr/Dr OCE(Movement in equity)
2. Complex group復(fù)雜集團有兩種
2.1 Sub-subsidiary

2.2 D-Shaped
Note 1:Goodwill calculation of P to SS(計算時要減去indirect holding的部分)
Goodwill at acquisition date(P to SS)
=Fair value of purchase consideration(S to SS)-Indirect holding in SS belonging to NCI+Fair value of NCI(P to SS)-Fair value of identifiable net assets
Note 2:Use effective shareholding to allocate between Parent and NCI(比如P收購S 80%,S收購SS 70%,P對SS的實際控股為56%)
Note 3:Indirect holding in SS belong to NCI should be deducted from NCI
3.The Effects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates外幣報表折算,折算匯率總結(jié)圖
?10分的準則題在后面section B一并總結(jié),我們來說說5分ethic題怎么寫:
如果這道ethic題涉及要用double entry調(diào)賬的,我們用Qualitative characteristics來回答,告訴考官正確的分錄以及他這么做違背了哪個Qualitative characteristics
如果這道ethic題不涉及會計分錄,我們用Tucker’s five question(profitable?legal?fair?right?Sustainable or environmentally sound)來回答。
?Section B中所謂的小準則應(yīng)用題是25分的題考考好幾個準則,大準則應(yīng)用題就是只考1~2個準則,那自然考的準則越多越好拿分,所以建議大家選擇小準則應(yīng)用題,接下來幫大家羅列下大概率考到的準則:
The Conceptual Framework
IAS 8 Accounting Policies,Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors
IAS 12 Income Taxes
IAS 16 Property,Plant and Equipment
IAS 17 Leases
IAS 36 Impairment of Assets
IAS 37 Provisions,Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets
IAS 38 Intangible Assets
IAS 40 Investment Property
IFRS 5 Non-Current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations
IFRS 13 Fair Value Measurement
IAS 19 Employee Benefits(defined benefits plans為重點)
IFRS 9 Financial Instruments(都很重要,hedge為難點)
Step 1:寫出相應(yīng)的IFRS編號和名字(e.g.,according to IAS 2 Inventories…)
Step 2:IFRS says…(準則原文,可以背誦我們給大家整理的“考前不得不背的20頁紙“)
Step 3:in this case…(描述題目相關(guān)信息,結(jié)合step2的原文分析,有double entry的寫double entry調(diào)賬)
Step 4:conclusion(step3中的分析一定要和最后conclusion吻合)
?Current issue熱門話題:
1.Management Commentary
2.Consultation Draft of the International<IR>Framework
3.Financial Instruments:Expected credit losses
4.Revenue from Contracts with Customers
6.Hedge Accounting
7.Equity Method:Share of Other Net Asset Changes
8.Sale or Contribution of Assets between An Investor and Its
9.Associate or Joint Venture
10.Acquisition of An Interest in A Joint Operation
11.Improvements to IFRSs
