負債類    debts

  短期借款    short-term loan

  應(yīng)付票據(jù)    notes payable

  應(yīng)付帳款    accounts payable

  預(yù)收帳款    advance payment

  代銷商品款    consignor payable

  應(yīng)付工資    accrued payroll

  應(yīng)付福利費    accrued welfarism

  應(yīng)付股利    dividends payable

  應(yīng)交稅金    tax payable

  其他應(yīng)交款    accrued other payments

  其他應(yīng)付款    other payable

  預(yù)提費用    drawing expenses in advance

  長期借款    long-term loan

  應(yīng)付債券    debenture payable

  長期應(yīng)付款    long-term payable

  遞延稅款    deferred tax

  住房周轉(zhuǎn)金    revolving fund of house

  三、所有者權(quán)益    owners equity

  股本    paid-up stock

  資本公積    capital reserve

  盈余公積    surplus reserve

  本年利潤    current year profit

  利潤分配    profit distribution

  四、成本類    cost

  生產(chǎn)成本    cost of manufacture

  制造費用    manufacturing overhead

  五、損益類    profit and loss (p/l)

  主營業(yè)務(wù)收入    prime operating revenue

  其他業(yè)務(wù)收入    other operating revenue

  折扣與折讓    discount and allowance

  投資收益    investment income

  補貼收入    subsidize revenue

  營業(yè)外收入    non-operating income

  主營業(yè)務(wù)成本    operating cost

  主營業(yè)務(wù)稅金及附加    tax and associate charge

  其他業(yè)務(wù)支出    other operating expenses

  存貨跌價損失    inventory falling price loss

  營業(yè)費用    operating expenses

  管理費用    general and administrative expenses

  財務(wù)費用    financial expenses

  營業(yè)外支出    non-operating expenditure

  所得稅    income tax

  以前年度損益調(diào)整    adjusted p/l for prior year