
  匯總原始憑證(cumulative source document)

  匯總記賬憑證核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using summary ovchers)

  工作底稿(working paper)

  復式記賬憑證(mvltiple account titles voucher)

  復式記賬法(Double entry bookkeeping)

  復合分錄(compound entry)

  劃線更正法(correction by drawing a straight ling)

  匯總原始憑證(cumulative source document)

  會計憑證(accounting documents)

  會計科目表(chart of accounts)

  會計科目(account title)

  紅字更正法(correction by using red ink)

  會計核算形式(bookkeeping procedures)


  會計致跡╝ccounting entry)

  會計循環(huán)(accounting cycle)

  會計賬簿(Book of accounts)

  活頁式賬簿(loose-leaf book)

  集合分配賬戶(clearing accounts)

  計價對比賬戶(matching accounts)

  記賬方法(bookkeeping methods)

  記賬規(guī)則(recording rules)


  記賬憑證核算形式(Bookkeeping proced ureusing vouchers)

  記賬憑證匯總表核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using categorized account summary)

  簡單分錄(simple entry)

  結算賬戶(settlement accounts)

  結賬(closing account)

  結賬分錄(closing entry)

  借貸記賬法(debit-credit bookkeeping)

  通用日記賬核算形式(bookkeeping procedure using general journal)

  外來原始憑證(source document from outside)

  現(xiàn)金日記賬(cash journal)