2016年  CFA level II考綱變動的科目為:數(shù)量、經(jīng)濟(jì)、財報、固收、衍生和組合;
其中,數(shù)量新增一個 reading;固收刪除一個 reading,組合刪除三個 reading,新增兩個  reading.
SS3,R10.Multiple Regression and Issues in Regression Analysis
a. formulate a multiple regression equation to describe the relation between a dependent variable and several
independent variables, determine the statistical significance of each independent variable, and interpret the
estimated coefficients and their p-values;
SS3,Reading 12. Excerpt from“Probabilistic   appraoches: scenario analysis,decision trees, and
a. describe steps in running a simulation;
b. explain three ways to define the probability distributions for a simulation’s variables;
c. describe how to treat correlation across variables in a simulation;
d. describe advantages of using simulations in decision making;
e. describe some common constraints introduced into simulations;
f. describe issues in using simulations in risk assessment;
g. compare scenario analysis, decision trees, and simulations.
SS4,Reading 13: Currency Exchange Rates: Determination and Forecasting
n. describe objectives of central bank intervention and capital controls and describe the effectiveness of
intervention and capital controls;(新增)
SS6,Reading 20: Multinational Operations
i. explain how changes in the components of sales affect the sustainability of sales growth;(修改)
SS14,Reading 43. The term structure and interest rate dynamics
c. describe how zero-coupon rates (spot rates) may be obtained from the par curve by bootstrapping;(新增)
g calculate and interpret the swap spread for a given maturity;(修改)
SS14,Reading 45. Valuation and Analysis: Bonds with Embedded Options
m. calculate the value of a capped or floored floating-rate bond;(刪除)
SS15,Reading46. Introduction to Asset-Backed Securities(刪除)