  Post CFA Exam Processing
  Grading the CFA exams and releasing results is an intensive,multi-stage process that requires thousands of hours of painstaking review and quality controls.Over eleven weeks,this process follows the fastest,most efficient schedule possible,while ensuring that the scoring of the exams is in accordance with best practices in testing and that every candidate’s paper is processed with appropriate due diligence.
  Once exams have been collected and shipped back to CFA Institutefrom all locations worldwide,they are individually reconciled with attendance rosters and prepared for grading and quality-control steps.The first step in the grading process is the machine grading of all multiple-choice and item-set exam answer sheets.Numeous qualitycontrol processes ensure that answer sheets are accurately graded,including a handgraded random sample of 5-10%of candidate exams.
  During this period,all comments and complaints related to the eams are investigated.CFA Institutestaff review the exam questios and answers,curriculum readings,and exam results related to each comment or complaint.Special attention is given to questions that may have more than one correct answer,or questions that aepotentially confusing or unfair.If it is determined that a questin has more than one correct answer,all correct answers are credited.If a question is determined to be confusing or unfair,all answrs are credited.During this period,the Level III essay exams are repared for the two-week,in-person grading session that begins in week four.
  對試卷進(jìn)行評分的第一步是所有的試卷先進(jìn)行機(jī)器評分,質(zhì)量控制流程確保numeous答題準(zhǔn)確分級,包括handgraded隨機(jī)抽樣的5-10%的候選人考卷。在這期間,所有的評論和對系統(tǒng)相關(guān)的投訴進(jìn)行investigated.cfa institutestaff復(fù)習(xí)考試問題和答案,課程和考試結(jié)果的讀數(shù),每個評論或投訴。特別注意的是給定的問題,可能有一個以上的正確答案,或問題,aepotentially混淆或不公平的。如果確定一個問題有一個以上的正確答案,所有的正確答案都記。如果一個問題被確定為混亂或不公平的,所有ANSWRS記。在這期間,III級作文考試是普通人的兩周,評分工作開始四周。
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