我國的新會計準則自2013年10月1日起正式實施,由此給會計行業(yè)帶來的變化也是繽紛多彩,目前看來對此新準則的叫好聲還是占了大半,由此可見會計準則對于行業(yè)發(fā)展的重要性,或許正是由于這一點,德勤近日也正式推出了美國公認會計準則(US GAAP Plus)一個全新的網站,提供關于美國和國際會計準則制定的新聞、出版物和項目的更新信息。
  據悉,該網站涵蓋了財務會計準則委員會的活動,包括更新FASB會計準則匯編,公眾公司會計監(jiān)督委員會(PCAOB) ,美國注冊會計師協(xié)會,美國證券交易委員會,國際會計準則委員會和國際財務報告準則詮釋委員會,以及與其他美國和國際會計和審計標準的制定者。
  Deloitte has launched US GAAP Plus, a new Web site that provides news, publications and project updates about U.S. and international accounting standard setting.
  The site covers the activities of the Financial Accounting Standards Board, including updates to the FASB Accounting Standards Codification, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, the American Institute of CPAs, the Securities and Exchange Commission, the International Accounting Standards Board, and the IFRS Interpretations Committee, along with other U.S. and international accounting and auditing standard setters.
  In addition, the site contains a news page that is updated almost daily and an archive of past news. It also includes a library of Deloitte U.S. and international publications related to accounting developments, along with a listing of active FASB projects and convergence projects with the IASB.
  US GAAP Plus also features the “My US GAAP Plus” view, which allows users to personalize their content to more easily follow topics of particular interest or relevance. In addition, the site offers search functionality to help users locate information. Access to the site is free of charge to all users.
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