To support your pathway to CPA licensure,we are extending administration of the Exam in the Republic of Korea and Japan on a permanent basis to all eligible candidates as outlined below.Qualified candidates may schedule to take any U.S.CPA Exam section in Japan or the Republic of Korea.CPA candidates may also schedule their Exam sections at the Guam Prometric Test Center as it remains open and available for testing.To test in Japan or the Republic of Korea,you must be an eligible CPA Examination candidate with valid citizenship or long-term residency in one of the following countries,territories and areas:China;Hong Kong;Japan;Macau;Mongolia;Republic of Korea;Republic of Singapore;Republic of the Philippines;Taiwan;United States of America.
- 預約國際考場考位(歐洲考點除外),需要是美國公民或當地的合法居民,需提供當地的在留卡,且需要繳納371.55美金/科/次的考場費;
- 如果報考特拉華、愛達荷、肯塔基、阿拉巴馬、密西西比、新澤西、北卡萊羅納、維爾京群島、馬里亞納群島拉華,不可在國際考場考試;
- 如需更改/取消考位,超過規(guī)定時間范圍,官方需要加收考位變更的手續(xù)費;
- 如果不申請執(zhí)照一般在規(guī)定年限內成績就會失效;