1. Calculations and workings need only be made to the nearest RMB.

  2. All apportionments should be made to the nearest month.

  3. All workings should be shown.


  The following tax rates and allowances are to be used in answering the questions.


  Enterprise income tax

 Income tax for domestic and foreign enterprises 25%

  Entrepreneurs who receive production or operation income derived from private industrial or commercial enterprises


 Level Annual taxable income (RMB) Rate Quick deduction factor (RMB)
 1 5,000 or below 5% 0
 2 5,001-10,000 10% 250
 3 10,001-30,000 20% 1,250
 4 30,001-50,000 30% 4,250
 5 Over 50,000 35% 6,750

                      Individual income tax

  Employment income


 Grade Taxable income on which employee bears the tax/employer bears the tax (RMB) Rate(%) Quick deduction factor (RMB)
 1 500/475 or below 5 0
 2 501 - 2,000/476 - 1,825 10 25
 3 2,001 - 5,000/1,826 - 4,375 15 125
 4 15,001 - 20,000/4,376 - 16,375 20 375
 5 20,001 - 40,000/16,376 - 31,375 25  1,375
 6 40,001 - 60,000/31,376 - 45,375 30 3,375
 7 60,001 - 80,000/45,376 - 58,375 35 6,375
 8 180,001 - 100,000/58,376 - 70,375 40 10,375
 9 Over 100,000/70,376 45 15,375


 For other income Rate
 each time below RMB 800 0%
 each time from RMB 801 to RMB 4,000 20%
 each time above RMB 4,000(with 20% allowance) 20%

 Income from services provided

for the part RMB 20,000 to RMB 50,00030%
for the part above RMB 50,00040%

                    Individual service income


 Net of tax income(RMB) Before tax income(RMB) Rate%Quick deduction factor (RMB)
 1 - 16,000 1 - 20,000 20 0
 16,001 - 37,000 20,001 - 50,000 30 2,000
 37,001 and above 50,001 or above 40 7,000