高頓網校友情提示,*7舟山會計繼續(xù)教育網上總結信息Excel2007新知-超級工具提示及折疊式 Ribbon等內容公布如下:  Super Tooltips and Collapsing The Ribbon
  超級工具提示及折疊式 Ribbon
  While we are talking about the new user interface, I thought I would mention another feature the user interface team has added that I think will prove to be very helpful to a lot of users. The basic idea is to take tooltips, which are useful little devices, and add some additional capabilities. Let’s briefly walk through a few examples.
  藉此討論Excel 2007全新用戶界面之機,我來談談用戶界面開發(fā)組為我們添加的另一個特性,一個我預感將會被廣大用戶證實是一個很有用的特性。添加這一個特性的初衷是替代小巧實用的工具提示,并為之增加一些新內容。讓我們就著幾個示例來簡要地漫游一番。
  When you hover over a command in the ribbon in Excel 2007, you will see the name of the feature and they keyboard shortcut (if one exists) (note, we have not been completely thorough about this in the past, but we plan to fix that this version). In addition, you will see a short description of what the feature is for and, when it makes sense, when you might want to use it. Here are a few examples (sorry, printscreen does not capture my mouse pointer, so you will have to pretend it is there).
  在Excel 2007中,當你的鼠標指向Ribbon工作區(qū)的某個命令按鈕時,你將會看到對應的功能名稱及其快捷鍵(如果有的話)(備注:在快捷鍵提示方面我們過去做得尚不夠徹底,不過我們計劃在這個版本中加以改進)。另外,當某個命令按鈕感知到你可能想要使用它時,它就會給出一段簡短的描述,告訴你它能為你做些什么。以下是幾個示例(抱歉,屏幕截圖未能抓取我的鼠標指針,你就姑且認為它就在那兒吧)。
  Text to Columns分列(譯者注:相當于Excel 2003及以前版本中的菜單:數據>>分列)
  Merge and Center合并及居中
  The idea is to give the user an idea as to what the feature is without requiring them to look it up in help or on the web. Help on that feature is also readily available with the press of a button.
  Another thing the user interface team has done is added image support to tooltips. This gives us the ability to use images to help communicate what a feature can be used for.
  Trace Precedents(追蹤引用單元格)
  It also gives us the ability to show the user previews of dialogs they could launch as they mouse around the UI.
  Format Cells(單元格格式)
  I can hear several of you asking “can I turn this off”? The answer is yes, you can turn this off and revert back to tooltips a la Office 2003.
  我聽到你們當中有人在問“我可否關閉這個工具提示”?答案是肯定的,你可以關閉它并恢復到如同Office 2003中的樣子。
  One other thing I wanted to show today was the fact that you can collapse the ribbon simply by clicking twice on a tab (there is also a keyboard shortcut). This can be useful when you want to maximize your “grid area” either because you don’t need to interact with the application’s commands, or because you are accessing them through the keyboard.