  如何快樂高效的學習?高頓網校為廣大學員提供2015年FRM考試網絡課程,請各位考生緊跟網校名師的步伐盡快進入備考復習,讓高頓網校與您共同努力,2015年考試順利通過!高頓網校FRM精品題庫,包含歷年真題,模擬試題等題型,題題結合考試大綱貼近考試考點。馬上開始練習 >>>
  You are asked by your CRO to *uate arguments he has heard to switch from VaR to conditional VaR as your firm’s main risk measurement tool. Which of the choices below is wrong?
  A.     Conditional VaR is greater than VaR for the same confidence level,.
  B.     Conditional VaR is a coherent risk measure in contrast to VaR.
  C.     A low VaR does not mean that the firm will make small losses when VaR is exceeded, but a low conditional VaR means that the firm will make small losses when VaR is exceeded.
  D.     Conditional VaR estimated for a confidence level corresponding to one minus the probability of default for the firm’s target rating provides an unbiased measure of the amount of the economic capital required above the firm’s bankruptcy threshold point to achieve the probability of default associated with the firm’s target rating.
  Answer: D
  Answer D, not the probability of default, the probability of significant.