  您在CIMA官網(wǎng)注冊成功后,請依次點擊進(jìn)入"Studying"、"Entry routes"、"Exemptions",在屏幕最下方的"Exemption Finder"中輸入您畢業(yè)院?;蛩肿C書的關(guān)鍵詞,即可查詢到相關(guān)免試信息。
  If you are registered as a CIMA student and hold a relevant qualification or degree you may apply for exemptions.
  Before you apply, make sure you are familiar with our exemptions policy.
  To apply for exemptions you must:
  1. Register as a CIMA student
  You can only apply for exemptions once you have registered as a CIMA student.
  2. Search for your qualification on our database
  Our exemption search allows you to find out if your qualification makes you eligible for any exemptions.
  Can’t find your qualification in the database? You may still be eligible for exemptions
  My degree or qualification isn't in the database
  3. Send us your documents
  To verify you are eligible for exemptions you’ll need to send us copies of your highest level educational certificates and transcripts. These must include details of the subjects you studied and the marks you achieved. Send your documents to documents@cimaglobal.com and remember to include your contact ID.
  Read about submitting your documents in the exemptions policy.
  4. Confirm we’ve received your documents
  We will email you confirmation of receiving your documents within 72 hours of receiving them.
  If you’ve faxed your documents to us and don't receive confirmation in 72 hours, please assume we have not received your fax and resend your documentation.
  We do not send confirmation of receipts at weekends or on bank holidays, so please factor in this time when waiting to hear from us and resending documents.
  Our decision
  It takes up to 20 working days for us to assess your application for exemptions. When we have assessed your documents, we will email you with details of any exemptions awarded or any further information required.
  You will be able to view your exemptions and pay for them in your MY CIMA account.
  Accepting or declining your exemptions
  You have the opportunity to accept or decline any exemptions you have been granted.
  You need to be sure that you are familiar with the material covered in the exams you are exempt from and you could pass that exam if you took it. Material covered in the early stages of the CIMA qualification is built on in the later stages.
  Accepting your exemptions
  To accept your exemptions, pay your exemption fees within eight weeks of receiving your exemptions.
  Declining exemptions
  If you wish to decline any exemptions, you will need to email student.admissions@cimaglobal.com within eight weeks of receiving confirmation of your exemptions.
  If you decline an exemption and then fail that exam you will not be able to reclaim the exemption.