目錄(譯文僅供參考) | Contents |
*9部分 | Part 1 |
投資組合管理 | Portfolio Management |
現代投資組合理論 | Modern Portfolio Theory |
風險/收益框架 | The Risk/Return Framework |
有效市場假說 | Efficient Market Hypothesis |
投資組合理論 | Portfolio Theory |
資本資產定價模型(CAPM) | Capital Asset Pricing Model(CAPM) |
套利定價理論 | Arbitrage Pricing Theory |
投資政策 | Investment Policy |
投資目標 | Investment Objectives |
資產配置 | Asset Allocation |
資產配置概述 | Asset Allocation Overview |
資產配置類型 | Type of Asset Allocation |
資產負債-分析與管理 | Asset Liability-Analysis and Management |
負債建模 | Modelling Liabilities |
注資比率 | Funding Ratios |
綜合優(yōu)化 | Integrated Optimization |
結果解釋 | Interpretation of Results |
編輯與實施 | Dynamics and Implementation |
投資組合管理實務 | Practical Portfolio Management |
股票組合管理 | Managing an Equity Portfolio |
衍生工具在投資組合管理中的應用 | Derivatives in Portfolio Management |
房地產組合管理 | Managing a Property Portfolio |
另類資產/私人資本 | Alternative Assets/Private Capital |
國際投資 | International Investments |
績效度量 | Performance Measurement |
績效度量與評價 | Performance Measurement and Evaluations |
投資機構管理 | Management of Investment Institutions |
評估和挑選投資經理 | Assessing and Choosing Managers |
第二部分 | Part 2 |
股票估值與分析 | Equity Valuation and Analysis |
股票市場及其構成 | Equity Markets and Structures |
洞察產業(yè)生命周期 | Understanding the Industry Life Cycle |
行業(yè)分析及行業(yè)內上市公司分析 | Analyzing the Industry Sector and its Constituent Companies |
了解公司 | Understanding the Company |
普通股的估值模型 | Valuation Model of Common Stock |
第三部分 | Part 3 |
債券的估值與分析 | Bond Valuation and Analysis |
金融市場與工具 | Financial Markets and Instruments |
固定收益證券:公司債券與政府債券 | Fixed Income: Corporate and Government |
金融市場與工具 | Financial Markets and Instruments |
貨幣的時間價值 | Time Value of Money |
債券收益率指示 | Bond Yield Measures |
利率期限結構 | Term Structure of Interest Rates |
債券價格分析 | Bond Price Analysis |
風險度量 | Risk Measurement |
信用風險 | Credit risk |
附認股權證的債券 | Bonds with Warrants |
投資屬性 | Investment Characteristics |
認股權證的價值 | Value of Warrants |
可轉換債券 | Convertible Bonds |
投資屬性 | Investment Characteristics |
轉換特性之價值 | Value of Conversion Benefits |
可贖回債券 | Callable Bonds |
投資屬性 | Investment Characteristics |
估值與久期(期限) | Valuation and Duration |
浮動利率票據 | Floating Rate Notes |
投資屬性及其分類 | Investment Characteristics and Types |
估值方法 | Valuation Method |
按揭支持證券 | Mortgage-Backed Securities |
按揭貸款分類 | Types of Mortgages |
有價證券的分類 | Types of Securities |
影響市場價格的因素 | Factors Affecting Market Price |
估值方法論 | Valuation Methodologies |
固定收益證券組合管理策略 | Fixed Income Portfolio Management Strategies |
積極管理 | Active Management |
消極管理 | Passive Management |
基于因素模型構造的投資組合 | Portfolio Construction based on a Factor Model |
計算套期比率:修正久期法 | Computing the Hedge Ratio: the Modified Duration Method |
第四部分 | Part 4 |
衍生產品估值與分析 | Derivative Valuation and Analysis |
| |
金融市場與工具 | Financial Markets and Instruments |
衍生產品市場 | Derivatives Markets |
期貨市場 | Futures Markets |
相關金融市場 | Related Markets |
衍生產品與其他金融產品分析 | Analysis of Derivative and other Products |
期貨 | Futures |
期權 | Options |
資產支持證券 | Asset-backed Securities |
第五部分 | Part 5 |
公司財務 | Corporate Finance |
公司財務基礎 | Fundamentals of Corporate Finance |
公司財務的目標 | Goals of Corporate Finance |
財務職能與企業(yè)的目標 | The Finance Function and the Firm’s Objectives |
財務經理的職責 | Role of Financial Managers |
估值原則 | Principles of Valuation |
貼現現金流 | Discounted Cash Flows |
資本預算 | Capital Budgeting |
長期融資決策 | Long-Term Finance Decision |
投資決策 | Investment Decision |
項目評估 | Project Evaluation |
清算與重組 | Liquidation and Reorganization |
短期融資決策 | Short-Term Finance Decision |
短期融資 | Short-Term Financing |
現金管理 | Cash Management |
短期信貸 | Short-Term Lending and Borrowing |
第六部分 | Part 6 |
財務會計與財務報表分析 | Financial Accounting and Financial Statement Analysis |
財務報告環(huán)境 | Financial Reporting Environment |
商業(yè)活動和主要財務報表 | Business Activities and Principal Financial Statements |
財務報表的應用 | Financial Reporting Issues |
財務報表編制與列報框架 | Framework for the Preparation and Presentation of Financial Statements |
現金流量表 | Statement of Cash Flows |
現金流量表的基本原理 | Rationale for the Statement of Cash Flows |
收入流和現金流的關系 | Relation between Income Flows and Cash Flows |
公認會計原則:收入確認 | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: Income Recognition |
權責發(fā)生制 | Accrual Basis |
公認會計原則:資產、負債和所有者權益 | Generally Accepted Accounting Principles: Assets, Liabilities and Shareholders Equities |
資產:確認、計量和分類 | Assets: Recognition, Valuation and Classification |
負債 | Liabilities |
所有者權益 | Shareholders’ Equities |
企業(yè)合并 | Business Combination |
兼并和收購 | Mergers and Acquisitions |
合并財務報表 | Consolidated Financial Statements |
外幣業(yè)務 | Foreign Currency Transactions |
外幣業(yè)務 | Foreign Currency Transaction |
海外業(yè)務的財務報表 | Financial Statements of Foreign Operations |
財務報告和財務報表分析 | Financial Reporting and Financial Statement Analysis |
利潤與現金流 | Income Flow vs Cash Flow |
利潤的質量和利潤管理 | Quality of Earning, Earnings Management |
每股收益 | Earnings per Share |
分部報告 | Segment Reporting |
中期報告 | Interim Financial Statements |
深入了解財務報表的分析性工具 | Analytical Tools for Gaining Financial Statement Insights |
資產負債表 | Balance Sheet |
損益表 | Income Statement |
評估盈利性和風險的分析工具 | Analytical Tools for Assessing Profitability and Risk |
盈利性分析 | Profitability Analysis |
風險分析 | Risk Analysis |
盈虧平衡分析 | Break-even Analysis |
預計財務報表 | Pro Forma Financial Statements |
第七部分 | Part 7 |
經濟學 | Economics |
宏觀經濟學 | Macroeconomics |
國民收入和物價水平的衡量 | Measuring National Income and Price |
實際市場均衡 | Equilibrium in the Real Market |
貨幣市場均衡 | Equilibrium in the Money Market |
經濟均衡和總需求 | Equilibrium in Economy and Aggregate Demand |
總供給與決定產品/服務價格的因素 | Aggregate Suppy and Determination of Price of Goods/Services |
動態(tài)宏觀經濟學 | Macro Dynamics |
通貨膨脹 | Inflation |
經濟增長 | Economic Growth |
商業(yè)周期 | Business Cycles |
國際經濟與外匯市場 | International Economy and Foreign Exchange Market |
開放體系下的宏觀經濟學 | Open Macroeconomics |
匯率 | Foreign Exchange Rate |
中央銀行和貨幣政策 | Central Bank and Monetary Policy |