The course enrollment deadlines for each session are scheduled on the latest date possible. This allows for enough time prior to the course start date to establish Blackboard access for students registered in CGA Online courses.
  Exam enrollment deadlines for each session are scheduled to allow the minimum required time period prior to exam week to set up examination procedures according to national standards.
  Requests for registration in courses or exams after the published deadline cannot be accepted.
  Please learn more about the Deadlines and Fees through the following linkes.
  美國大學(American University),創(chuàng)校于公元1893年,簡稱AU,為一所擁有百年歷史的私立四年制全球性大學,美國大學American University師資陣容堅強,教學嚴謹。主要有7個學院,華盛頓法律學院,文理學院,商學院,傳播管理學院,國際服務學院,公共事務學院 ,教育學院。美國大學全美排名第75位(2014年*7排名),同時也被評為最劃算的大學之一。美國大學的華盛頓法學院,商學院、人文學院、傳媒學院都在美國享有盛譽。