高頓網(wǎng)校CGA責任小編在這里為準備報考CGA考試的考生悉心整理來源于CGA China 官網(wǎng)的2014/15 Session 2 注冊須知,希望能夠給大家?guī)韼椭?,同時也預祝各位考生順利報考CGA考試!
  We would like to draw your attention to the following issues of the new session of 2014/15 academic year.
  Before registration, please make sure you have read: “What's Newon CGA China website.
  Please follow the steps to register course in Session 2, 2014/2015
  2.        Registration Deadline
  If you wish to register any courses in Session 2, 2014/2015 (December, 2014 - March, 2015), please complete the Course Enrolment Formand payment on or before Wednesday, November 19, 2014.
  3.        Basic Tuition Fee(hereafter: BTF)
  All students are required to pay the non-refundable Basic Tuition Fee annually, at one of the following time:
  l August 2014, the very beginning of the academic year
  n  Students who enroll in S1 courses;
  n  Students who wish to write an exam that was deferred from the previous academic year or a supplemental exam for which they wrote a sessional exam in the previous academic year;
  n  Students who are submitting their last Practice Set and/or employment experience questionnaire only;
  n  Students who do not plan to take any courses but wish to ensure that their status remains current.
  l  May 20, 2015, S4 Enrollment Deadline
  n  This is a deadline to pay 2014/15 BTF, thus penalty policy applies if any late payment after it.
  Penalty Policy
  Students are required to pay a penalty of 10% on their deferred payment if they do not pay their BTF within the current academic year, before the S4 enrollment deadline.
  4.         Check Your Enrollment Form
  a)        Personal Information
  b)        Re-enrolling students should check: Session, Course enrollment type, BTF, Signature, and Date.
  5.        Payment Policy
  Please turn to the webpage for details.
  Should you have any questions, please contact your regional office in time. Thanks!
  May you succeed in the new session!
  滑鐵盧大學,是加拿大滑鐵盧市的一家著名大學,建校于1957年,以數(shù)學、電腦、工程學科聞名。它擁有全球*5的數(shù)學系(最多的教授)。滑鐵盧的代表隊曾多次獲得ACM國際大學生程序設計競賽的冠軍。滑鐵盧大學是一所以研究為主的中等大小的公立大學,以學習與實習并重的合作教育(co-operative education)而聞名,本科生在課程進行期間將在相關機構工作以作實習?;F盧大學目前進行的合作教育計劃是全球*5?;F盧大學成立至今,僅數(shù)十年便躋身加拿大名校之列,是加拿大發(fā)展最快的學校。在加拿大最權威的教育雜志Maclean's的排名榜上,連續(xù) 10年排名*9?;F盧大學以外向型和合作教育項目而著稱,注重將課堂內容與實際工作結合。學生在學習的時候會參加在公司的項目?;F盧大學的1萬多名學生在為世界各地28000多家公司工作。她創(chuàng)立的co-op program 課程模式讓電腦系學生在學習的同時有機會在IBM,Nortel,Bell等著名公司獲得工作經(jīng)驗。是北美電腦工業(yè)界的*9寵兒。同時她還向學生提供各種跨學科的教育項目,例如數(shù)學與管理的聯(lián)合學士學位、生物科技與經(jīng)濟學聯(lián)合學士學位等?;F盧大學的畢業(yè)生一直是IBM、北方電訊等大公司追逐的目標。